- 2-way control valve with flanged connection PN16-25-40
- Body Nodular cast iron GGG40/3 or AISI316
- Seats in stainless steel on or in the body
- Stem seals PTFE- PTFE+ FPM- graphite Self-adjusting
- Plug standard EQP =% (3) in stainless steel with plastic insert. DN125-150- and 200 only metal-metal
- Standard working temperature -10°C up to max 205°C
- Converter turns electric signal into a pneumatic signal
- Analogical positioner, also Atex
- Connections according to ANSI150-ANSI300-JIS 10K- JIS 20K-JIS 40K.
- Lineair plug
- Versions for higher temperatures up to 400°C
- Flow dividers, Balancing cage