Clorius Controls ensures reliable control of heating, cooling and ventilation systems

Clorius Controls specializes in the development and production of temperature and pressure control equipment for heating, cooling and ventilation systems.

The product range consists of Clorius control valves, self-acting controls (thermostats, duostats, differential pressure controls, pressure reducing valves), pneumatic controls, electronic controllers, temperature sensors and electric valve actuators. The products make up a complete range within our field of expertise.

Clorius Controls was established in 1902. Through more than 100 years, we have developed our knowledge about monitoring, controlling and regulating heating, cooling and ventilation. The products and the technology have gone through a dynamic development, and today we offer an up-to-date product range to match today's requirements regarding advanced technology, user-friendliness and reliability.

Our quality control system is ISO 9001:2008 certified.

We offer checkups, analysis, error detection and instructions for control equipment. We are ready for fast turn-out when emergencies occur.

Our vision is to ensure the most reliable and most economic solutions in the future.